The Government of India is going to start the world's largest International Container Shipping Port!

At a closed-door round table a few days ago, a recently retired Indian Navy admiral-rank officer lamented that it took 7 years to extend the length of a runway to 600 meters in the Andamans.  Because the environmentalist movement has repeatedly brought "stays" from the courts.

 Do you know why this movement?  So that a few trees can not be cut.  And why was it necessary to increase the length of the runway?  Because if this length is increased, some large transport aircraft of Air Force and Navy will be able to land in Andaman, and that was the reason of big headache for China.  And we now know how these movements are paid for.

 The Government of India is going to start the world's largest International Container Shipping Port and Transshipment Hub (ICTP) at Galathia Bay in Greater Nicobar Island in a few days.

 When this transshipment hub is fully built, it will be a container port almost as big as Singapore.  The cost will be Rs 41,000 crore and its capacity will be 16 million containers per year.

 Galathia Bay is a total of 40 nautical miles from the Straits of Malacca.  So this ICTP will significantly save foreign exchange in India's import and export sector.  And with it the Indian Navy will get a "strategic point".

 So China has yet another headache.  And since a nincompoop like Jawaharlal is not sitting on the chair of the Prime Minister of India, so let the environmentalists and activists get involved!  However, this time they could not make special arrangements.  The Department of Environment and the Court have given "Environment-Concession Letters".  And India's largest ICTP is going to start working.

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